Monday, June 8, 2009

The front of the house.

The kitchen; original cabinet and floor color and stripped countertops

Some people work hard - others get cabinets done;)

Friday, June 5, 2009


Hello You!

Welcome to our Blog. Here you will able to find our wedding pictures taken by the photographer, about 2 weeks after our wedding, Lord willing June 25, 2009. We are very excited for this day, and are looking forward to the life after. Lots of planning and running around will then turn into relaxation......maybe;) If you want you can leave a note, question, suggestion etc. This blog will probably not consist of much more than the pictures, but we will see. We thought that this would be a nice and easy way for everyone to get wedding pictures. So go ahead, copy and safe whichever picture you would like, and get it printed.

Love Curtis and Helma